Sorting and Grouping Data with Pandas
Sorting DataFrames
We can sort by column, single or multiple
grade_book.sort_values(by="Grade",inplace=True) #ascending order
grade_book.sort_values(by="Grade",inplace=True,ascending=False) #descending
To sort by row, we must specify the row index, and all values across the rows must be the same type. We then sort with axis=1
inds=["Jim Dandy","Betty Boop","Minnie Moocher","Joe Friday","Teddy Salad"]
>>>grade_record.sort_values(by='Jim Dandy',axis=1)
Test3 Test4 Test1 Test2
Jim Dandy 83.7 84.1 85.4 88.1
Betty Boop 92.4 87.2 91.7 89.8
Minnie Moocher 70.1 69.3 73.2 75.9
Joe Friday 88.2 81.7 82.3 84.0
Teddy Salad 96.8 93.9 98.5 96.3
When True, the inplace
parameter causes the sort to overwrite the dataframe. Otherwise a new dataframe will be returned.
Groups can be created with groupby
clouds=weather.groupby("Cloud Cover")
This creates a “GroupBy” object. We can print the first item in each group
Tmin Tmax
Cloud Cover
2 -6.40 2.68
3 -5.87 8.79
5 -3.82 4.78
We can get the group members with get_group
Tmin Tmax Cloud Cover
2000-01-01 00:00:00 -5.87 8.79 3
2000-01-03 00:00:00 -4.58 5.10 3
2000-01-05 00:00:00 -5.50 6.18 3
The mean of a group is easy to compute
Cloud Cover
2 2.68
3 6.69
5 4.64
Name: Tmax, dtype: float64
We can extract values corresponding to a quantity. For our grade-book example, we can create a new dataframe for the students who received an “A”
grade_book["Letter Grade"]=["B","A","C","B","A"]
top_students=grade_book[grade_book["Letter Grade"]=="A"]
Pivot Tables
We can create pivot tables to reorganize the data. Continuing with the grade book, we can make the names into the index and organize by grades. (For this example the result will have quite a bit of missing data, but a more complete grade book could have more scores.)
student_grades=grade_book.pivot(index="Name",columns="Letter Grade",values="Grade")
Continuing with the weather_data notebook, group the data by state and print the first value for each state.
If you look closely, you will note there are some errors. There are “states” DE and VA, which are the abbreviations for those states. Correct those errors and obtain a new grouping by state. Get the mean temperature, minimum temperature, and maximum temperature per state, using the round
method to round to 2 digits. Determine the Python type of each of these results. Look up how to concatenate them into a new dataframe. Print this dataframe. Sort the dataframe by mean average temperature, in descending order.