The Julia Programming Language

These notes are divided into four sections. The first section contains links to documentation and tutorials for the Julia programming language. Besides browsing through these links, I recommend the Julia Academy courses as well as listening to Alan Edelman’s talk “The Power of Language” (he is one of the authors of Julia). The next section is on integrated development environments for writing Julia code. Juno using the Atom editor is popular and the JuliaPro link includes Julia and Juno in one download. More recently, Visual Studio Code (VScode) is gaining adherents and I’ve included links to talks about it from the most recent Julia conference. The third section contains links for using Julia in data science and computational science. The “Introduction to Computational Thinking” is an ongoing course at MIT that uses Julia. The last section includes links to the Julia package repository and an extensive set of Julia code examples.

The Julia Language Tutorials

Julia Integrated Development Environments (IDE)

Julia and Data Science / Computational Science

Julia Examples